college students are the most moldable, trainable, and sendable demographic on the planet.
Our Training
A eight month training course (Oct-May) designed to give the foundational perspectives and the “How To” of pioneering a new campus ministry or seeing evangelistic momentum in an established ministry. There is a one time $200 fee to go through the training.
Network Member - Upon completion of the training you can officially join the network. There will be ongoing relational connection with your coach and cohort as well as special learning opportunities for all members of CMN. There will also be opportunities to be trained to become a coach.
Characteristics of Training
Not time-consuming. We want those in the training to be focused on the ministry they are doing, so between materials, a coaching session, and a cohort meeting it will take no more than 10 hours a month.
Relational. Open access to coaches and others going through the program. This has the potential to bring the most value as you get custom coaching on where you are at in your ministry.
Our Content
Topics Covered in Training
Biblical Foundations of Campus Ministry
Spiritual Disciplines of A Leader
Building Evangelistic Momentum
Equipping Students for Personal Evangelism
Essentials for Disciple-making That Multiplies
Developing A Core Team of Student Leaders
Developing Missions Partnerships and Summer Projects
Missions Mobilization
Strategic Use of Time
Recruiting, Leading and Sending Staff
Creating A Healthy Staff Culture
Leadership Skills
Developing A Leadership Pipeline
Crafting Your Multiplication Strategy
Turning Your Ministry Into A Movement
Effective Events
Fall Outreach Strategy, (Table, Flyers, Surveys)
Follow Up Essentials