a gospel movement on every campus until there is no campus left without a multiplying gospel presence.
Our Team
Paul Worcester
Founding Director of CMN and National Collegiate Director for NAMB
In 2009 Paul and his wife Christy planted Christian Challenge at California State University, Chico from scratch. Since then hundreds of students have indicated decisions to become followers of Jesus, with many growing as disciples and learning to multiply their faith. Paul is the author of "Tips for Starting a College Ministry", “Do More With Less Time” and “The Fuel and The Flame: Igniting Your College Campus For Jesus Christ” with Steve Shadrach. In 2020, Paul transitioned out of leadership of Challenge Chico and took on the role as National Collegiate Director for the North American Mission Board. He has a passion for equipping and encouraging fellow collegiate leaders to multiply disciples on campus. Paul is on the team behind Collegiate Collective, Campus Ministry Today and CollegeMinistry.com. Paul and Christy have two young children Owen and Evelyn that keep them busy.
Clayton Bullion
CoFounder of CMN and Director of Via Students
As Director of Via Students, Clayton leads a global team to resource and equip campus ministry leaders to see evangelism, disciplemaking, and missions mobilization happen on university campuses across the world. Clayton started in campus ministry as the Director of the Baptist Student Ministry at Tarleton State from 2010-2020. During that time Tarleton BSM began to see students regularly come to Christ, become disciple-makers, and be sent out to plant more campuses. In 2020, Clayton transitioned leadership of Tarleton BSM to another staff and took on a larger role within Texas BSM to train and develop new staff across the state in the areas of evangelism, disciple making, and multiplication. Clayton writes for Collegiate Collective, Campus Ministry Today, and CollegeMinistry.com as well as serves on the Executive Action Group for EveryCampus, a multi-ministry movement seeking to plant multiplying gospel movements on every campus. Clayton and his wife, Bethany, have four children: Noah, Nate, Sophia, and Obi.
David Worcester
Lead Pastor of Compass Church at San Diego State University
In 2009 David planted Christian Challenge at San Diego State. After years of seeing students saved, discipled and sent through Challenge, David felt a calling to plant a multi-generational collegiate focused church. So in 2018, he planted Compass Church with a vision to be a sending base to launch future planters and leaders. David has written for Collegiate Collective, Campus Ministry Today, and helped develop GospelAppointments.com. David’s passion is seeing students saved in college and equipped to make disciples for the rest of their lives through the church. David and his wife Jessica have two sons, Samuel and Joshua.
Gary Stidham
Director of the BSM at UT Arlington
Gary moved to Dallas-Fort Worth in 2003 as the sole staff member at BSM. With a focus on evangelistic effectiveness, simple reproducible disciple-making processes, and preparing graduates for lifetime ministry, UTA BSM has grown to 9 staff on 3 campuses seeing dozens of students meet Jesus every year. UTA BSM developed an effective disciple-making movement in a challenging, diverse metro context with graduates leading ministries and starting churches across DFW and around the world. Gary and his wife Teresa have two teenage sons, Joshua and Benjamin.
Steve Shadrach
Founder of the Center for Missions Mobilization
Steve has a passion for developing laborers to reach the world for Christ. He has been involved with many different collegiate ministries over the years. He is the founder Student Mobilization, a ministry that has multiplied onto 23 campuses with thousands of students reached and mobilized. In 1999 he co-founded The Traveling Team with Todd Ahrend. In 2001 he turned these ministries over to the next generation of leadership to launch Via (formerly the Center for Missions Mobilization), which seeks to "engage, equip, and connect believers to their most strategic role in completing the Great Commission." He has authored four books—The Fuel and the Flame, Brown Like Coffee, The God Ask, and Viewpoints. Steve resides in Fayetteville, AR, with his family.
and many local coaches and practitioners all over the U.S. and the globe.