Do Muslims and Coca-Cola Know Something We Don’t About Reaching The World?
Written By // Steve Shadrach
Not too long ago I was standing in the middle of a 60,000 student university in China. Every student I talked with knew English, wanted to meet Westerners, and talk about any subject we wanted. They were especially fascinated with this person named Jesus and, as a result, large numbers of students were believing and receiving Him as their Savior.
I was told I could move my family into an on-campus high rise for $75 a month, obtain visas as long as it took me to learn Chinese (I’m sure decades!), and have almost absolute freedom to befriend, witness, and disciple these influential students from all over this elite province. My heart was pierced.
I looked up into the heavens and almost audibly asked God a question,
“Lord, now, tell me again why I am living in Fayetteville, Arkansas where there are hundreds of churches and boatloads of campus ministries desperately trying to get people to even listen to the gospel? Instead, why am I not here, where there are virtually no groups reaching out to the thousands of students who are desperately trying to get people to even tell them the gospel?”
I could only think of one word: mobilization.
The only way I could justify living here and not there is that I believe somehow, someway God is using me here in a greater way to mobilize believers to strategic opportunities all over the world.
The only way I can sleep at night is knowing that raising up 100 workers might be more impactful than me going myself. But as it relates to God’s call on every Christian’s life, don’t you think we should have as strong a call to stay as we do to go?
So, we stay for now, but in my role of serving with the Center for Mission Mobilization, I am not trying to get every believer to become a cross cultural missionary. Instead, our team is focused on engaging, equipping, and connecting an army of Christians to their most strategic role in finishing the Great Commission.
Every one of our staff, programs, courses, seminars, resources, and publications needs to somehow help us accomplish one or more of the following:
Engage believers to begin this World Christian journey
Equip them to be more effectively find and fulfill their God given calling
Connect them to the right information, people, and opportunities where they can maximize their life in bringing glory to God in all nations
Like you, God has given us visions and strategies and awesome staff and volunteers. To accomplish what exactly? The greatest need is always for more devoted laborers—men and women who will step into the gap and work along side us in our effort to completing world evangelization.
Here are two examples to motivate us to give ourselves fully to this World Christian effort and the spiritual battle the enemy is waging against us:
There are now 2,500 Muslim mosques around the United States. Over the years Muslim leaders have utilized millions of dollars of their oil money to endow Departments of Middle Eastern Studies at universities across our nation. Next, they purchase land and build a mosque right across from the campus and begin services there. Over the last fifteen years, Muslim leaders have come to understand American college students are some of the most recruitable, trainable, and sendable categories of persons on the planet. They believe if they can win the support of American college students today, they can win the world tomorrow. Knowing their objective, we must redouble our prayer and efforts, right here in our own backyard, for the hearts and minds of our own students to point them to the person and purposes of Jesus Christ.
Reports have circulated over the years that Coca-Cola International Corporation has a business plan with a goal of being able to get a cold Coke within one mile of every person on earth by the year 2020. That’s impressive! Maybe we should all use this company’s goal to motivate Christians to get the gospel within a mile of every human being. We could start a website: to make our point! Seriously though, a legitimate question can be asked of us: Although God has supplied us with infinitely more resources than Coca-Cola has to get His message out, are we as committed to seeing our job finished as they are to theirs?
If there ever was a time when we must have a “Kingdom Perspective” and work together to help bring Jesus to the outer edges of this final frontier, it is now.
It has become painfully obvious that our Muslim friends are committed to reaching the world. Even Coca-Cola has a plan to cover the earth!
So join us, would you, as we band together in the power and unity of the Holy Spirit, to take the pure, unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth? Let’s shoulder up together to engage, equip, and connect myriads of believers across the U.S. (and around the world!) to their most strategic role in finishing this job Jesus gave us.