Personal Ministry Target Worksheet
Created by // Paul Worcester
Go through this worksheet after reading parts 1-5 of “Helping Students Reach Their Personal Ministry Targets”.
Seeking to make disciples among a personal ministry target is one
of the most strategic ways to multiply disciples on campus and will become one of the greatest joys in life. Take your time to prayerfully work your way through this worksheet and then talk through it with a leader who can provide advice and accountability for you.
The last words of Jesus before he ascended into heaven should be one of our top priorities in life. Look up Matthew 28:18-20 and answer the following questions.
What is the primary command according to this verse?
How do we accomplish this?
What does Jesus promise if we obey these commands?
How does this passage apply to developing a personal ministry target?
Pick A Target
What a nity groups or “pockets of people” are you currently an “insider” in?
Some potential affinity groups you may already be in could be your major, dorm floor, greek chapter, sports team, hobbies, interests, apartment complex, club, work or even a group of friends. List all the “pockets of people” you are currently in.
Is there a strategic group of people that you are not an insider in yet but could become one if made an effort? How would you do that?
Which of these groups has the most people in it?
Which of these groups has clearest social identity? Which one do people hang out with each other the most?
Which group would you like to focus your outreach on the most this semester? Ask advice from the person discipling you about which group to focus on first.
Put Together a Team
When possible it is a game changer to team up with a small group of fellow laborers to seek
to love people and share Christ. If you can move into the same dorm oor together or join the same sorority for the purpose of reaching out that is ideal. You will have built in motivation and accountability. It can be such a powerful thing to have a team to pray together for lost friends, seek to serve the people in your group and to boldly and creatively share the gospel.
If you don’t have a team, that’s OK! e person discipling you will provide coaching and encouragement to help you have an e ective personal ministry. A motto I love is “You plus the Holy Spirit is a majority everywhere you go.” God is able to do amazing things in the hardest places on earth through imperfect people. He will honor those who are willing to step out in faith and obedience to His command to go and make disciples. Put together a team whenever possible but don’t let a lack of a team stop you from doing what you can to reach those student who desperately need to hear the gospel!
Is there anyone that you can team up with to reach your personal ministry target? If so how will your partner with them to reach the pocket of people?
Will you have a regular time of prayer and planning?
If you don’t have a team how will you get the encouragement and support you need to keep laboring to share Christ?
Pray Like Crazy
Praying for the people in your targets should be a daily practice for anyone seeking to have a personal ministry. It is the most important part of having a fruitful ministry.
Read this section from “ The Kneeling Christian” as you consider your own prayer life.
“Has it ever occurred to you that our Lord never gave an unnecessary or an optional command? Do we really believe that our Lord never made a promise which He could not, or would not, ful ll? In fact, it can easily be shown that all want of success, and all failure in the spiritual
life and in Christian work, is due to defective or insu cient prayer. Unless we pray aright we cannot live aright or serve aright. is may appear, at rst sight, to be gross exaggeration, but the more we think it over in the light Scripture throws upon it, the more convinced shall we be of the truth of this statement. Fellow-Christians, let us awake! e devil is blinding our eyes.
He is endeavoring to prevent us from facing this question of prayer....Do we realize that there is nothing the devil dreads so much as prayer? ...He loves to see us “up to our eyes” in work — provided we do not pray. He does not fear because we are eager and earnest Bible students — provided we are little in prayer. Someone has wisely said, “Satan laughs at our toiling, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.” All this is so familiar to us — but do we really pray?... Let us never forget that the greatest thing we can do for God or for man is to pray. For we can accomplish far more by our prayers than by our work. Prayer is omnipotent; it can do anything that God can do! When we pray God works.”
How will you be faithful to pray for the people in your personal ministry target? Write down one specific goal.
What are some “faith goals” that you can make? (A faith goal is something that you would love to see God do but is too big for you to make it happen on your own.) Praying for these daily will energize your faith and remind you that we are totally dependent on God for any spiritual fruit.
Proactively Pursue Relationships
Once you have chosen your target it is essential to do whatever it takes to become an “insider.” It is important to explore natural ways to build relationships with those within the a nity group.
How will you build relationships with those within your ministry target? Brain storm a list of 10 ideas.
What will you need to cut out of your schedule in order to spend more time with those you are seeking to share Christ with?
Preach the Gospel Boldly and Broadly
One mistake many students make is being too slow about getting around to sharing the gospel with the people in their ministry target. ey spend so much time building relationships that they start to get nervous about “ruining” those friendships by sharing the gospel. ey often lose focus on why they are there in the rst place. We have discovered that it is most e ective if you start sharing the gospel as soon as possible with as many students as possible. God is preparing students hearts to hear the gospel. It’s a laborers job to discover those people by sharing the gospel with as many people as possible. As Steve Shadrach puts it “there is a direct connection to how many students you share the gospel with and how many you lead to Christ!” I recommend each student leader make a goal of doing a gospel appointment with every member of their target group this semester.
What are some natural ways that you could picture setting up gospel appointments with the people in your target group?
What could potentially stop you from setting up gospel appointments with the people in your ministry target? How will you overcome the obstacles.
Do you think there could be any interest in a investigative Bible study with some people from the group? If so how would you try to start that?
Persistently Prove your Love for Them
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
Faithful gospel ministry involves showing and telling! As you are broadly share the gospel with as many people as possible within the target group you will want to look for simple ways to serve the people who are in the group. Ask God to open your eyes for creative ways to truly love the people God has called you to reach. Your practical expressions of love will surprise people and make a great impact.
What are some practical ways that you can serve the people in your ministry target?
Prepare for “Person’s of Peace”
Often the Lord will lead you to people who are “gatekeepers” who can help open doors to share Jesus with whole groups of people. In Luke 10 Jesus sent out 72 of his disciples to go “ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.” In verses 5-7 Jesus told them to seek out a “person of people” who would welcome them and serve as the home base for their ministry in the area. is strategy has the potential for the person to “lend their credibility” to the missionary enabling the gospel message to spread more rapidly within the target area. ere is no “one size ts all” description for a person of peace. It takes some prayer and discernment to discover who they may be. Here are some questions to consider when seeking persons of people.
Is this person open to hearing about Christ? Are they open to the idea of others in the group hearing about Jesus? They don’t need to be a believer. They just need to be open.
Are they willing to help host a bible study in their dorm or apartment for their friends?
Does the person have a reputation? It can be a good reputation or bad reputation (see story of the Samaritan woman in John 4).
Are they an in influencer? They don’t need to be the president of the group but it’s helpful if they have some in influence.
The best way to discover people of peace is to sow broadly with the gospel. It can be very helpful to try and follow up with a new believer in their dorm room or lounge. is gives you a chance to rub shoulders with their buddies and potentially give them more motivation to invite one or two friends. A key question to ask is “Would any of your friends be interested in learning more about Jesus and discussing the Bible?” Any new believer has potential to be a person of peace who can open up whole pockets of people to reach out to on campus. Start from the beginning giving them a vision to multiply disciples.
If you perceive this person may be a person of peace it is important to spend as much time as possible with this person and equip and empower them reach their friends. Take time to go hangout with them on their turf and if you can start a investigative study with their friends see what you can do to set that up!
Read Luke 10:1-12 and write down any principles for having a personal ministry that you discover. How does these principles apply to reaching your ministry target?
Is there anyone that you know who has potential to be a person of peace in your ministry target? If you don’t know of anyone right now start praying God will lead you to one.
Parent New Believers and Promote Community
If someone in your target area becomes a follower of Jesus praise the Lord! Now, get to work following up with them personally. Take them under your wing and teach them whatever you can about living for Jesus. You will want to engage with them in an intentional, relational and reproducible form of disciplemaking.
A warning! Don’t extract the new believer from their existing relational network. It’s crucial to get them connected with your ministry and a local church but be careful not to monopolize all of their time. Teach them how to communicate the change Jesus is making in their lives with their group of friends and go with them to share their story with people in the group. From the start you can start working together with them to share Christ with their friends in the group.
If someone comes to Christ within the group do you feel equipped to follow up with them? What do you need to grow in if you are going to faithfully help them take their first steps of following Christ?
Produce Leaders Who Can Take Over For You
From the start of reaching out to the target group start praying that God will raise up laborers to work with you in the harvest and to take over leadership from you as soon as possible. (Luke 10:2) Everything you do should be designed to pass on to those you are reaching out to. Make sure everything you do is as reproducible as possible. Lead as if you were going to move across the country next semester. Ask God to raise up a growing number of potential leaders as rapidly as possible.
Take a few moments to ask e Lord to raise up fellow laborers from your ministry target?
Partner With Them As They Continue Leading
You only have a limited time while in college to make disciples within this group. Who will be the ones to carry on the work when you are gone? Leaders that you raise up should be equipped and empowered!
Take a moment to ask e Lord to help you to leave a legacy of discipleship within the pocket of people you are seeking to reach. Write down any thoughts or impressions you want to remember as you pray.
Pick A New Target To Reach
“Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else--to the nearby villages--so I can preach there also. at is why I have come.” Mark 1:38
If you have made significant progress in your existing ministry target or have run into a closed door God may lead you to shift your focus to a new target group.
What is another group of people that you could reach out to next?
What areas of campus have no followers of Jesus seeking to share the gospel to them? What would it look like for you to seek to make disciples among them?
Count The Cost
Read Luke 14:25-34. What stands out to you from the passage? What is it going to cost you if you are going to put into the action steps that you wrote down in this worksheet?
What has the greatest potential to distract you from reaching out to your ministry target? How will you combat this distraction?
What are some ways that you can free up your time to spend time with and share Christ with the people in your ministry target? What will you need to cut out of your schedule in order to do this?
Accountability Questions
How is it going reaching out to your ministry target?
What are you doing to build deeper relationships with people in the group?
Who are the next 5 people that you would like to share Christ with? How will you go about sharing with them? Lets pray for those people now.
What problems are you running into? Lets pray over that.
What is one goal you want to make related to reaching these people? Lets pray for that.