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What stood out to you from the “Developing and Sending Students Well” article? How can you apply it to your ministry?
What would it take for your ministry to develop into a multiplying Vision? What do you need to focus on for your ministry to develop into a multiplying movement?
What stood out to you from the “Don’t Blow It With Your Interns” article? What mistakes have you made leading interns or staff? If you are not a supervisor how can the principles from this article apply to your current leadership roles?
Remember your “Top 5” list that you made in Module 1? What are some ways that you could cast vision and give exposure to students and staff who could be sent to plant ministries on those campuses?
What small step or steps could you take even now to work towards multiplying your ministry? It could be as simple as a monthly prayer walk around a new area/campus. It could be hosting a team or summer intern if you have not done so before.
In the 3 interviews with partners and pathways what are some key aspects we can take away? What stood out to you in these interviews that could be applied to hosting future students? What stood out that could help colleagues as they build their strategy for utilizing students?
In the video qualities in a field partner what stood out to you? Are you the type of partner they are looking for? What areas of receiving partners might you need to address in order to be a better partner?
What questions does the content in this Module spark for you?
Did you get a chance to check out any of the toolbox materials? If so, what stood out to you? What was helpful to you?
What is one life or ministry related question that you want to discuss with your coach this month?