Toolbox Extras
Click on the links below to check out some extra materials to supplement the material in this module.
Never Share Alone - Learn about the benefits of going with people to share the gospel.
10 Campus Ministry Principles - Read about 10 best practice principles from those seeing fruitful work.
Euro Training Session on Mapping, Rhythms, and Patterns Video - A call talking about the need for mapping and learning the rhythms and patterns of a campus from field workers like you.
Fall Outreach Webinar - This podcast has good ideas of rhythms to look for even if we do not have welcome week on our campuses.
When You Share the Gospel People Come to Christ (audio download) - A great reminder of our need to be out sharing the Gospel above all else. Great resource to share with your student leaders.
3 Habits of Everyday Evangelism (audio) - Listen to this podcast that helps remind us of the Why and the How of daily evangelism in our lives.