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What stood out from the “Extraordinary Prayer” article? Which of the practical ideas for mobilizing prayer do you want to try?
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your own prayer life? How could you add fuel to the fire of your own prayer life?
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your passion for prayer in your ministry? How can you foster a culture of passionate prayer among your students?
What stood out to you from “The Big 5” resource? Which of these spiritual disciplines do you need to grow in personally? What areas does your ministry need to grow in? What is a goal you can make in these areas?
How do you create a culture that values spiritual disciplines without falling into legalism?
What stood out to you from the “Filling The Field vs Filling the Room” article?
Can you answer the questions from the article “What is your mission and vision?” - Why do you do campus ministry? What’s your mission? Can you put it into a concise and compelling statement?
Look around your city, surrounding area and beyond. What campuses have a limited gospel presence or have potential for exponential kingdom impact? Make your Top 5 list. What are the first 5 campuses (or areas) you want your ministry to multiply onto?
What questions does the content in this Module spark for you?
Did you get a chance to check out any of the toolbox materials? If so, what stood out to you? What was helpful to you?
What is one life or ministry related question that you want to discuss with your coach this month?